Page 10 - Difference or Disorder Example 210216
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Difference or Disorder?

                    Parameter                  Descriptions                       Suggestions
                    Views of time    Cultures can be schedule‐          Explain the importance of
                    and space        oriented, and adhering to a          arriving on time.
                                     schedule and punctuality are very     Encourage early arrival
                                     important; while others are more     Consider effect mode of
                                     event‐oriented, and beginning a      transportation on arrival time
                                     new event is determined by the     Consider adjusting personal
                                     completion of the previous event,    space
                                     rather than by a schedule.         Greet with a handshake
                                     Different amounts of personal      Be prepared for hugs, nods,
                                     space may be required to feel        or bows.
                    Concepts of      What determines an individual’s     Consider sensitivity to social
                    class and status   societal position and place of     class and status.
                                     respect varies across cultures       Address family with formal
                                     Wealth often plays a large part in   titles (e.g. “Mr.”, “Mrs.”,
                                     the determination of class.          “Dr.”) unless asked to use
                                     Socioeconomic class may result in    more informal titles.
                                     even greater group dissimilarities
                                     than country of origin.  If a culture
                                     is class conscious, members of
                                     different social classes may not
                                     socialize together.
                    Values           In some cultures, higher value is     Ask family what goals are
                                     placed on self‐direction, social     important for them and
                                     traits, and the importance of        include them in the child’s
                                     expressing curiosity; but in other   educational plan.
                                     cultures, higher value is placed on     Describe the purpose of
                                     conformity, politeness, and          educational goals for the
                                     obedience.                           family.
                                                                        Give the family a rationale for
                                                                          selected goals.
                    Language         In low‐context cultures, the actual    Be aware of your nonverbal
                                     words are critical and should be     communication and what it
                                     the focus of communication.  In      conveys to the family.
                                     high‐context cultures, nonverbal     Observe family interactions.
                                     aspects of communication, such     Create an environment in
                                     as eye contact, gestures, space,     which family members feel
                                     use of silence, and touch are        comfortable expressing their
                                     crucial to communicate meaning.      concerns.
                    Rituals          Weddings, births, deaths, and      Consider cultural holidays
                                     religious worship are associated     and celebrations when
                                     with rituals in most cultures.       scheduling sessions.
                                                                        Include discussion of holidays
                                                                          and celebrations in lessons.             9

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