Page 5 - Curriculum Based Intervention Volume 2 Digital Version
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          In  order  for  this  solution  to  be  a  success,  we  knew  that  it  had  to  be  something  that  could  be
          synthesized into the current schedule of the day.  That is why these language-rich lesson plans have
                 Attendance / Greeting                  Calendar                          Song

                     Surprise Bag                       Literacy                       Articulation

                       Phonology                       Mini Books                     Table Activity

                         Crafts                          Recipe                           Game

          been designed around 12 common academic activities.

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          Children use their language to convey what they know.  Teachers are responsible for presenting a
          topic and then measuring whether a child has learned it or not.  However, if a child does not respond
          or is incorrect, how do we know if:

             the topic is unfamiliar to the student
             the student knows but cannot communicate his response effectively

             the student does not know
          It  all  looks  the  same  right?    In  each  instance  the  student  has  either  not  answered  or  answered
          incorrectly.  Language-rich activities provide support so students readily share what they know.
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          The majority of students who receive speech therapy spend thirty minutes or one hour per week with
          their speech therapist.  This equates to three percent of a child’s academic day.  That means that the
          majority of  a child’s time is spent with her parents and her teacher.  We also know that the more
          ways  (multi-modal)  and  times  (opportunities)  a  child  practices  a  skill,  the  more  she  will  be
          By using classroom themes we not only access vocabulary topics, but we also provide a way for each
          student to practice newly acquired communication skills on a topic that she is familiar with.  Plus, the
          homework provides greater communication opportunities through interactions with the parent.

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            Aligns to the school curriculum
            Is multi-modal

                   Hands-on, table-time, floor time

            Has buy-in from all educational professionals

         Curriculum-Based Speech Therapy Ac vi es Vol 2       4            Copyright © 2016 www.bilinguis  All Rights Reserved.
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